Reference: 22tlcd

Rear engine kit nine continent RH205c type "s" without battery

Composition of your KIT: - 1 RH205cS nine continent engine of your choice The motors are all compatible up to 2000 watts, the choice of your accessory pack will determine the final power of your kit - 1 freewheel 7v 11/32 teeth (livery already mounted) 1 Accessories Pack of your choice : Each accessory pack will include: - 1 on-board computer:...
€328.20 €410.25
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Reference: 22tlcd

Rear engine kit nine continent RH205c type "s" without battery

Composition of your KIT: - 1 RH205cS nine continent engine of your choice The motors are all compatible up to 2000 watts, the choice of your accessory pack will determine the final power of your kit - 1 freewheel 7v 11/32 teeth (livery already mounted) 1 Accessories Pack of your choice : Each accessory pack will include: - 1 on-board computer:...
€328.20 €410.25
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