Kit Velo Electrique pas cher

kit vélo électrique ultra rapide !
LCD Manual instruction (v2 > 01/08/2015)
Setting Up
Long Press both
(Same to save and exit setup)
Display will now show PO1, and then to PO8 in sequence
P01 Set outside tyre diameter to nearest 0.5”
Note because this is not precise and your readout will be only be as
accurate as nearest 0.5” is to actual diameter.
Your 26” or 28” bike may actually be 0.5 more or less…check it.
P02 :Number of magnetic steel (is 46 for motor rh205c power E-bike)
P03 Screen Brightness set 1 to 3 increasing brightness
P04 Choose Km or Mile
P05 Choose Voltage 36V or 46V or 60V
P06 Set time for turning off if not used
P07 Set speed kmh or mph
P08 Hall speed : 0 from King Meter Speed Sensor or 2 from motor rh205c power E-bike
Note because this is not precise and your readout will be only be as
accurate as nearest 0.5” is to actual diameter.
Your 26” or 28” bike may actually be 0.5 more or less…check it.
P02 :Number of magnetic steel (is 46 for motor rh205c power E-bike)
P03 Screen Brightness set 1 to 3 increasing brightness
P04 Choose Km or Mile
P05 Choose Voltage 36V or 46V or 60V
P06 Set time for turning off if not used
P07 Set speed kmh or mph
P08 Hall speed : 0 from King Meter Speed Sensor or 2 from motor rh205c power E-bike
Control Buttons
All buttons work with either long press or short press
And short and long presses have different functions
And short and long presses have different functions
Long – on/off screen
Long – set cruise speed
Short – change multi-function screen Short – turn light on, and save setup input
Long –
Long – change speed display
Short – less PAS, and – setup adjustment Short – more PAS, and + setup adjustment
Connecting wires :
Red + , Black –, White send, Green receive, Blue switch,
Yellow light 6V +
Brown light 6V